Kibble for dogs

To stay healthy, dogs need a healthy and balanced diet that varies according to weight, age and often also the breed. Both Aldog® and 111 / A® are two lines of dog food developed to meet these needs.
Discover all Aldog® kibbles:

Dog's Age:
Puppy– Adult – Elderly– Pregnant and Nursing
Cat's Age:
Puppy- Adult
Dog's Food requirements:
weight control - dermatitis - monoprotein diet – grain-free diet - physical activity - apartment life
Cat's Food requirements:
Sterilised– apartment life
Package weight Aldog:
1,5kg, 3kg, 10kg, 12kg
Package weight 111/A:
Package weight Alcat:
400gr e 1,5kg
Dog Line:
kibbles for small-size dogs between 2 kg and 8 kg weight
kibbles for medium-size dogs between 8 kg and 25 kg weight
for large-size dogs weighing more than 25 kg
Cat Line:
single format
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The Aldog® dry dog ​​food lines

We researched different formulations, also checking the origin and quality of the raw materials used, arriving to propose two main lines of dry dog ​​food:
- the Aldog® Super Premium Quality line, with a high protein content (17 different types of dry dog ​​food)
- the 111A® Premium Quality Line, with a slightly lower protein intake (available in 5 variants)


Both are based on the need for dogs to have high quality dry food available, which combines proteins with fats, vitamins and minerals, essential components for the health of our four-legged friends.