Kibbles for sterilized cats

The kibbles for sterilized cats are specially designed to give cats the right caloric intake, in order to keep them in line despite a sedentary lifestyle.


Dog's Age:
Puppy– Adult – Elderly– Pregnant and Nursing
Cat's Age:
Puppy- Adult
Dog's Food requirements:
weight control - dermatitis - monoprotein diet – grain-free diet - physical activity - apartment life
Cat's Food requirements:
Sterilised– apartment life
Package weight Aldog:
1,5kg, 3kg, 10kg, 12kg
Package weight 111/A:
Package weight Alcat:
400gr e 1,5kg
Dog Line:
kibbles for small-size dogs between 2 kg and 8 kg weight
kibbles for medium-size dogs between 8 kg and 25 kg weight
for large-size dogs weighing more than 25 kg
Cat Line:
single format
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Sterilization is an important operation for the health of the cat, but it brings with it some consequences. For example, the fact that neutered cats undergo hormonal changes that make them gain weight more easily.

It is therefore right to feed them with special sterilized cat foods that help them maintain grit and vitality.


How does the diet of neutered cats change?

If you decide to subject your cat to sterilization, it is important to remember that the diet cannot remain the same as before, which is why.

When the cat is neutered its metabolism slows down and it is therefore necessary to reduce its daily food rations by about 20%, in order to avoid any health problems related to weight.

Furthermore, lacking the hormonal stimulus, the cat no longer feels the need to move that it had before and therefore tends to no longer dispose of everything it eats.

Neutered cats also have more delicate kidneys and this could lead to urinary tract infections, so it is very important that their diet is varied and balanced.


The properties of kibbles for sterilized cats

Hunger is one of the consequences of neutering: it seems that in neutered cats it increases by about 30% (in some cases even by 50%). However, the energy expenditure is lower than that of a normal cat, resulting in a risk of obesity and other related diseases.

To cope with all this, you must always and only choose dry food for sterilized cats, i.e. feed that: contains a lot of protein, because the high protein intake helps you to be less hungry, burn calories and maintain muscle mass at the expense of fat
it is rich in fiber to maintain a sense of satiety
it is low in fat and carbohydrates to prevent the cat from gaining weight
contains vitamins, minerals and omega 3


Alcat kibble for sterilized cats: good and genuine

If you are wondering which feed to choose for your sterilized cat, we recommend you try Alcat® Sterilized Chicken, a complete and 100% natural food without preservatives or dyes.

The only organoleptic additive is the botanically defined Rosmarinus Officinalis (15.5 mg / kg).


Alcat® sterilized cat food is based on chicken, the main ingredient, and is rich in:

- yucca schidigera, which mitigates the smell of feces and litter

- fructooligosaccharides for the well-being of the bacterial flora
- vitamins A, D, E
- minerals such as iron, zinc, iodine, copper


Here, in detail, what the Alcat® Sterilized Chicken feed contains:

- 34% dehydrated processed chicken protein
- maize, whole pea (12%)
- chicken fat, rice, dried (sugar) beet pulp (1.50)%
- minerals, brewer's yeast, fructooligosaccharides (FOS 0.06%)
- yucca schidigera (0.018%)


What is the daily dose of dry food for neutered cats?

Regularity is essential in feeding for sterilized cats: dry food should be poured into the bowl in the indicated daily amount, divided for the various meals. As we have already said, in fact, a sterilized cat tends to lead a sedentary life, so often it does not eat because it is hungry, but because it is bored! We must therefore regulate ourselves with the amount of food.

If, then, we see that it has not finished all the food in the bowl yet, let's not add it again: cats tend to eat little in many meals, and it is normal for them not to run out of treats all at once. This way we will be safer that the cat only eats when it is really hungry.