Dry food for cats

Alcat® Super Premium Quality provides a complete and balanced diet according to the size of each cat. Aldcat® is the ideal food for all cats of any size and need, and for any use and consumption.

All the proposed formulations are ideal for keeping your cat's body weight under control, also depending on its age and habits. But that's not all: a correct diet also contributes to combating dental problems such as plaque, tartar and gingivitis.




Dog's Age:
Puppy– Adult – Elderly– Pregnant and Nursing
Cat's Age:
Puppy- Adult
Dog's Food requirements:
weight control - dermatitis - monoprotein diet – grain-free diet - physical activity - apartment life
Cat's Food requirements:
Sterilised– apartment life
Package weight Aldog:
1,5kg, 3kg, 10kg, 12kg
Package weight 111/A:
Package weight Alcat:
400gr e 1,5kg
Dog Line:
kibbles for small-size dogs between 2 kg and 8 kg weight
kibbles for medium-size dogs between 8 kg and 25 kg weight
for large-size dogs weighing more than 25 kg
Cat Line:
single format
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kibbles for cats at every stage of growth

Alcat® Super Premium Quality cat kibbles are a balanced and complete food because they contain all the nutrients needed by the cat in the right proportions. In fact, to enjoy a good state of health, the cat needs a diet that provides the correct amount of nutrients.

Formulated by nutritionists, Alcat® Super Premium Quality cat kibbles are a source of fats, vitamins and minerals that are suitable for:
- kittens, who need a diet that promotes proper growth
- adult cats, which need to maintain their well-being and vitality
- neutered cats, which must remain healthy despite the more sedentary lifestyle


All our types of dry cat food

To meet the needs of cats at every stage of their growth, we have thought of a type of dry food that is diversified according to age. Here is a brief overview of which dry cat food you may need:

- Alcat® Kitten Chicken based on chicken, for puppy cats up to 12 months - they help strengthen bones and muscles;
- Alcat® Adult Chicken based on chicken for cats from 12 months onwards - with vitamins, proteins and fibers that help intestinal well-being;
- Alcat® Adult Sterilized Chicken based on chicken for sterilized cats of all sizes and breeds - keeps the kitty fit and healthy, despite its more sedentary life.

All of these products are gluten free and contain only authentic regional ingredients such as chicken, peas, beetroot and yucca, as well as being completely natural and therefore safe for your cat.

Furthermore, our kibbles are Made in Italy and this constitutes a further added value in terms of quality, which has always been our priority.


Alcat® Super Premium Quality Cat Dry Food

Cats are real gourmets, sometimes difficult to satisfy, who often like to snack more during the day. Cat dry food contains a percentage of water not exceeding 10%, so they can be left without problems at the disposal of the cat, without worrying that it will go bad.

The content of proteins, fats, fibers make Alcat® kibbles suitable for the dietary needs of various cats, while the nutritional elements such as vitamins, fatty acids and minerals serve to maintain the well-being of the cat.


kibbles for cats without preservatives

It is essential, for his health, to give our cat quality food: with Alcat® Super Premium Quality you can be sure of finding kibbles for cats without preservatives, but also without dyes.

In particular, our dry cat food:
- it is a complete and balanced food
- contains vitamins, minerals and proteins
- guarantees vitality and well-being in puppies
- ensures intestinal well-being and maintenance of bacterial flora in adult and older cats


With Alcat® Super Premium Quality you no longer need to worry about what is best for your cat, because Alcat® will do it for you and your pet. Your cat will always be protected by your care and fed by recipes specially designed for him.


Your cats are in good hands ... seeing is believing!



The benefits of dry cat food

In summary, the nutrition of our pets should not be underestimated because their well-being also passes through it. In this sense, dry cat food has numerous advantages that should not be underestimated:
- ease of use: it can be left at the cat's disposal without deteriorating
- nutritional completeness: it provides all the nutrients necessary for the cat's health
- constitutes a healthy form of gymnastics for teeth and gums


Dry cat food: practical advice for use

As we have said, cats often love to have more snacks during the day: Alcat® cat kibbles are specifically designed for the needs of our four-legged friends. However, if you feel your cat isn't getting enough, we recommend that you:

check the amount of kibbles you usually put in the bowl
arrange the water bowl next to the one with the kibbles for the meal.
The cat should eat his dry food slowly, alternating a drink between one serving and the other: it is a very healthy habit that can have repercussions on the general well-being of the cat.

Discover all the Alcat® Super Premium Quality dry cat food packages and choose the one that best suits your cat.